View Red Lobster's Full Menu Now to Explore the Variety of Seafood Options. Dine In Safely with us, Pick Your Order Up, Or Enjoy Touchless Delivery. The soup soothes and uplifts the spirit as well as the body.
Tom Yum Talay: An extremely popular Thai soup characterised by its distinctive sweet, spicy and hot flavour due to addition of fragrant spices and herbs indigenous to Southeast Asia. You can either cook it with seafood (Tom Yum Talay), prawns (Tom Yum Khoong), or chicken (Tum Yum Gai), and its a great dish to serve as an appetiser! First step of making Thai Seafood Soup (Tom Yum Talay) is to make the broth. Bunda bisa buat Tom Yum Seafood 🍤🍲 menggunakan 29 bahan dan 4 langkah. Begini caranya.
Bahan-bahan membuat Tom Yum Seafood 🍤🍲
- Siapkan 50 gram udang.
- Siapkan 3 buah tahu putih, goreng 1/2 matang.
- Siapkan 5 buah bakso cumi.
- Siapkan 5 buah bakso ikan keju.
- Siapkan 6 buah bakso ikan karakter.
- Siapkan 1 bonggol pokcoy.
- Kamu butuh 3 buah bakso ikan.
- Siapkan 1 batang daun bawang, potong-potong besar.
- Anda butuh 2 sdm margarin untuk menumis.
- Siapkan Bumbu kuah :.
- Kamu butuh 1 liter air.
- Siapkan 6 buah kepala udang, bersihkan (tambahan dari aku).
- Siapkan 1 batang serai.
- Bunda butuh 1 ruas lengkuas.
- Siapkan 1 ruas jahe.
- Siapkan 2 lembar daun salam.
- Anda butuh 4 lembar daun jeruk.
- Siapkan 1 sdt garam.
- Siapkan 1 sdt kaldu jamur.
- Siapkan 1/2 sdm gula pasir.
- Bunda butuh 1 sdm saus tiram.
- Kamu butuh 1/2 buah sari jeruk nipis (tambahan dari aku).
- Siapkan 1 sdt kecap asin (tambahan dari aku).
- Siapkan Bumbu halus :.
- Anda butuh 5 buah cabe merah keriting.
- Siapkan 3 buah cabe rawit merah (me: 7).
- Anda butuh 3 siung bawang putih.
- Siapkan 6 siung bawang merah.
- Kamu butuh 25 ml air (tambahan dari aku).
Tom yum seafood soup is a delicious and easy recipe that is ideal for using up leftovers. Tom Yum Soup is a hot and sour soup with several different tasting variations, all made with galangal, kaffir lime leaves, and lime juice and usually shrimp or seafood for protein (chicken or pork less usually). The basic Tom Yum is the clear soup version called Tom Yum Nahm Sai which has a clean, aromatic, sour taste. You can use also chicken, a combination of chicken plus shrimp, or seafood combination (shrimp, squid, scallops, green-lipped mussels) for tom yum soup. It's really up to you, but the most popular tom yum is tom yum goong, goong means prawn. If you love to eat tom yum soup (ต้มยำ), you might already know about two main distinct variations of the dish.
Cara memasak Tom Yum Seafood 🍤🍲
- Buat kuah : Rebus air bersama kepala udang, lengkuas, jahe, daun salam dan daun jeruk hingga hampir mendidih. Kecilkan apinya..
- Blender bumbu halus dan tambahkan air supaya lebih mudah proses blendernya. Sisihkan..
- Panaskan margarin, tumis bumbu halus hingga wangi. Tambahkan serai geprek dan udang. Bumbui dengan saos tiram, garam, gula pasir, kaldu jamur dan kecap asin. Masukkan 2 sendok sayur kuah. Aduk rata..
- Masukkan tumisan bumbu dan udang ke dalam kuah. Masukkan aneka bakso ikan dan tahu. Beri perasan jeruk nipis. Cek rasanya. Bila sudah pas, terakhir masukkan daun bawang dan pokcoy. Matikan api, dan sajikan selagi hangat. Selamat mencoba!.
Tom yum goong nam sai (ต้มยำกุ้งน้ำใส) is tom yum with shrimp in a clear broth, while tom yum goong nam khon (ต้มยำกุ้งน้ำข้น) is the creamy milky version. Many people think that Tom Yum, or Thai spicy and sour shrimp soup is too intimidating or hard to attempt at home. In reality, it's about the easiest Thai recipe to prepare, provided you have the ingredients.
The Thai word talay or taleh means 'sea' and of course refers to the mixed seafood in the soup. Note you can use any combination of seafood, including mussels as pictured. Tom yum has its origin in Thailand. The words "tom yam" are derived from two Thai words.
Mudah sekali bukan buat Tom Yum Seafood 🍤🍲 ini? Selamat mencoba.